Thursday, September 15, 2011


NOISIA VISION from Patrick Wieland on Vimeo.

Video by: Dieter Humpsch

Diets you are the man! Can't wait for 11/11/11

The Pier!

The pier has been invaded with bait fish this week which has caused it to be teeming with even more life than usual!

Friday, September 9, 2011

You will never annoy me!

This video just makes me smile whenever I watch it =) thank you for the memories Alicia

P.S. you still don't annoy me!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Zipline fail!

Testing the gopro (which sounds like a jet taking off haha) on the zipline from the bridge over the canal to Ollies dock seemed like a good idea until i dropped the fishing line and the gropro decided to go for a "swim" in the middle of the canal!

Zipline fun!

Testing the GoPro out on the zipline over my pool! It works pretty well!